Rugged Point Lodge – your world-class halibut destination!
No fishing trip to BC Pacific coastal waters is complete without reeling in a delicious halibut. A very popular catch, BC halibut fishing is both fun and challenging for any fishing enthusiast. And BC halibut fishing doesn’t get any better than on Kyuquot Sound on the scenic and beautiful west coast of Vancouver Island.
The waters that surround Rugged Point Lodge, on the northwestern shore of Vancouver Island in Kyuquot Sound, offer some of the best and most fertile halibut fishing ground anywhere.
Halibut all season from March until the Fall
BC Halibut – the biggest catch!
Sure to be your fishing adventure of a lifetime, the Rugged Point Lodge BC halibut fishing experience is truly unparalleled. Experience pristine and breathtaking Kyuquot Sound as you explore the most productive of halibut fishing grounds – sandy flats, reefs, and rugged bottoms.
Halibut spawn in deep water during the winter months, but otherwise, follow migratory patterns as it feeds on other fish and invertebrates such as crabs. They frequent those areas where they can most easily find food, where smaller fish and crab hide. You can catch halibut in water that’s anywhere from 25 feet to 2500 feet deep.
When hooked, a halibut pulled from a hundred feet below the sea won’t submit without a battle! So incredibly strong, landing a larger halibut will leave you feeling exhilarated but totally exhausted!
Halibut flesh is firm and white, and when properly packaged, can be frozen and stored for many months.
Our fishing guides = your great catch!
Our expert Rugged Point Lodge guides, with their in-depth local knowledge and experience, know how to find halibut, the largest flatfish in the world. And no matter the size, the halibut is a very powerful fish. Even a smaller fish of 20 pounds or so has enough strength to tear the line from your reel. Halibut fishing spots range from 130 – 300 ft deep and our goal is always to catch the finest halibut possible within the legal size limits.
The region is densely populated with predator fish and baitfish and, outside of halibut, includes salmon, lingcod, and sometimes even tuna. The waters we fish are among the most consistent saltwater fishery in this part of the world, where almost every trip provides a great catch. We expect you’ll return home with an empty freezer to fill!
Our Rugged Point Lodge crew of friendly and expert fishing guides – licensed and fully trained – will help you enjoy the very best BC halibut fishing adventure possible! Our fishing trips are all fully-guided to ensure the most exciting and satisfying halibut fishing experience.
All boats are fully guided with all the gear you need, included. We anchor while halibut fishing and all of our boats are set up with a third down-rigger for a chum bag, two-speed reels and top of the line Okuma 6’ 6” rods.
All of our guests limit out on Halibut!