Rugged Point Lodge is located in Kyuquot Sound on the northwestern shore of Vancouver Island, BC, minutes away from the continental shelf, the Salmon Highway and our inshore fishery. Salmon, halibut and lingcod are only a cast away.
Salmon Fishing
- Rugged Point Lodge can get you to the best salmon fishing on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
- We fish for Chinook at Spring Island, only two miles from our dock. Kyuquot Ridge is also nearby, featuring reefs, rockpiles and gravel bars where salmon swim year-round. We can also get you to the “Salmon Highway” – 50 Fathom Edge – where migrating Chinook first head inland on their way to their home rivers.
- Our guides use a variety of techniques in different seasons to help you hook into British Columbia’s most prized catch.
Read more about our BC Salmon Fishing.
There’s always salmon in Kyuquot Sound.
Halibut Fishing
- Join expert fishing guides, benefit from local knowledge and go deep in pursuit of the largest flatfish in the world.
- Our guides have numerous halibut fishing spots ranging from 130 – 300 ft deep.
- We anchor while halibut fishing and all of our boats are set up with a third downrigger for a chum bag, two speed reels and top of the line Okuma 6’ 6” rods.
- We aim to catch the nicest halibut we can within the legal size limits.
Read more about Halibut Fishing in BC.
Halibut fishing is extremely productive in Kyuquot Sound!
Halibut Fishing
- Join expert fishing guides, benefit from local knowledge and go deep in pursuit of the largest flatfish in the world.
- Our guides have numerous halibut fishing spots ranging from 130 – 300 ft deep.
- We anchor while halibut fishing and all of our boats are set up with a third downrigger for a chum bag, two speed reels and top of the line Okuma 6’ 6” rods.
- We aim to catch the nicest halibut we can within the legal size limits.
Read more about Halibut Fishing in BC.
Halibut fishing is extremely productive in Kyuquot Sound!
Lingcod Fishing
- Lingcod are not cod. Rather, they are the largest fish in the greenling family.
- Lingcod are fun and fairly easy to fish. In fact, we have reeled them in without even being hooked!
- Although not particularly attractive, Lingcod fish is delicious to eat.
- Our fishing guides know the best spots to jig for Lingcod and other bottom feeders.
Read more about our Lingcod Fishing.
Lingcod are fun to fish and sought-after by foodies.
What can you take home?
Learn more about licensing, species-specific limits and how much you can take with you.
- We are set up to chase tuna whenever they arrive in our area!
- Rugged Point Lodge is only 27 miles away from the Brooks Buoy which is situated in 7500 hundred feet of water. This is where the tuna like to go!
- Mid to late August is your best chance for catching tuna, current and weather dependant.
We find the fish, you catch the action!